The country I chose is Spain, because I live in Spain and I like it very much.
Esta receta ha sido transmitida oralmente. Es la receta que hace su padre, se la ha explicado él paso a paso. Sale riquísima.

Jano Gómez Rodríguez, 1º ESO

- 5/6 potatoes
- 1 onion
- 6 eggs
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Put the oil in a pan.
- Peel the potatoes and cut the onion.
- When the oil is hot, add the onion (already cut) and let it fry for 3 minutes.
- Put the potatoes.
- When the potatoes and onion are fried, drain
- them and add the beaten eggs.
- In a frying pan, put a spoonful of oil and when it is hot, add the mixture.
- After 2 minutes, turn it over, and another 2 minutes later turn it over again.
- The cooking time of the omelette depends on whether you like more or less curd.