A «Bretzel»,» Pretzel» or salty loop is a type of cookie or bun baked, and twisted into a loop, with a slightly salty flavor. Its origin is in Germany, and it is quite popular in German-speaking Switzerland, Austria, Alsace and North America. Its origin seems to be related to the Celtic festivities that are celebrated at the beginning of spring. In the Catholic tradition of southern Germany, «palmbrezel» were used to decorate the palms that were brought to bless the church on Palm Sunday (Palmsonntag). They are characterized by a very toasted, thin and crunchy crust, and by the coarse salt with which they are sprinkled, which makes them even more crunchy.

Ingredients for 8 units
- 500g Wheat flour
- 300ml Milk
- 40g Butter
- 25 g Fresh baker’s yeast
- 1 Salt teaspoon
- 1 Brown sugar teaspoon
- Coarse salt to decorate
- 1l Water
- 4 Baking soda tablespoons
How to make homemade pretzels
1. In a large bowl add 100 grams of sifted flour, yeast and half of the lukewarm milk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then we cover it with cling film and leave to ferment in a warm place for five hours.
2. After that time we added the milk at room temperature, the brown sugar, the salt and we integrated everything well. Add the rest of the sifted flour little by little, mixing with a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained and add the diced butter.
3. We knead by compacting with our hands until all the butter is integrated, form a ball and reserve for five minutes in the fridge.
4. Then, out of the fridge, we knead for about 10 minutes until we obtain a firm and elastic dough that we will reserve in a greased bowl, covering it with a clean cloth and letting it rest in a warm place for about 90 minutes or until it doubles in volume.
5. When you have doubled it, we place the dough on a counter to degas completely, divide it into eight equal portions and roll each portion on the table to form bars about 20 centimeters long. Cover and let ferment for 20 more minutes.
6. Water 20 minutes, we roll the dough cylinders again with both hands until they reach a length of 40 centimeters and shape them into a pretzel.
7. Reserve on a tray covered with kitchen paper and rest uncovered for another 30 minutes at room temperature. Then, on the same tray, rest in the fridge for another hour.
8. Finally, after that time, all that remains is to cook the pretzels. First they must be cooked, so in a large large potter we put a liter of water, heat it over medium heat until it reaches a boil and add the baking soda. At that time we also turn on and preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
9. When the water boils, we introduce each pretzel and turn it as soon as it starts to float, removing it with a slotted spoon. It will take more or less about 15 seconds.
10. Drain the excess water and place each pretzel on a baking tray covered with kitchen paper, sprinkle coarse salt immediately on top and make a cut at the bottom with a blade.
11. To finish them, lower the oven temperature to 180 ºC, insert the tray with the pretzels and cook for about 15 minutes or until they acquire a dark brown hue that will indicate the exact point where it acquires its characteristic flavour.
12. After that time we take them out of the oven, let cool and consume.
Nuria Otero, 3º Secundaria